Hereditary angioedema: A prospective study of a Brazilian single-center cohort
International Journal of Dermatology Oct 27, 2019
Alonso MLO, et al. - In this investigation, researchers identified hereditary angioedema (HAE) diagnosis and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics in HAE patients due to C1 inhibitor deficiency (HAE-C1-INH) followed up at a tertiary-level center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sample consisted of 138 Brazilian HAE patients [mean age was 38.0 ± 15.0 years (range: 12–73 years)]. From the total, 107 patients with HAE-C1-INH have been chosen. The most frequent symptoms were cutaneous edema, abdominal pain, and laryngeal edema. Even with familial history, a considerable delay in diagnosis was noted. The HAE attacks severity, particularly in females, illustrates the need for gynecologists and obstetricians to become aware of the disease. For earlier diagnosis, screening of familial members, including asymptomatic individuals, is critical. Regional patient profile assessment can be effective in bringing more attention to HAE and improving quality of life.
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