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Hepatic angiomyolipoma: Mutation analysis and immunohistochemical pitfalls in diagnosis

Histopathology Mar 19, 2018

Yan Z, et al. - The expression of commonly used markers for hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) or carcinoma (HCC) were comprehensively analyzed in patients with hepatic angiomyolipoma (AML). The predominance of epithelioid component resembling HCA or HCC was common in hepatic AML. The absence of LFABP and presence of fat could be mistaken for HNF1α- inactivated HCA. Moreover, diffuse GS staining could be mistaken for β-catenin activated HCA or HCC. No correlation was shown between diffuse GS expression and the CTNNB1 mutation. TSC2 mutation was illustrated in all tested cases, supporting this as the driving genetic event for hepatic AML.

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