Hemoperitoneum as a precursor of deep pelvic endometriosis: Prospective cohort study
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Aug 16, 2019
Bean E, Cutner A, Saridogan E, et al. - Researchers examined the value of significant hemoperitoneum as a precursor of deep pelvic endometriosis in this prospective observational cohort study of 118 non-pregnant women who presented with severe acute lower abdominal pain at their unit. Emergency surgery was performed on 20 of these women and a history of endometriosis, or evidence of endometriosis on the initial scan were reported for 17 of these women, and these women were excluded from the study. Therefore, 81 women underwent conservative management, evidence of significant hemoperitoneum was identified in eight of these at presentation. Development of deep endometriosis was noted in some women with the presentation of significant hemoperitoneum who were managed conservatively.
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