Hemodialysis quality metrics in the first year following a failed kidney transplant
American Journal of Nephrology Jul 20, 2019
Huml AM, et al. - Comparison of the quality metrics of transplant end-stage renal disease (Tx-ESRD) patients vs native kidney failure ESRD (Nat-ESRD) patients during the first 12 months of hemodialysis was done. Hemodialysis patients who began treatment between May 2012 and December 2013 and who received nephrology care prior to starting hemodialysis were identified using data from the United States Renal Data System. Tx-ESRD (n = 5,528) patients vs Nat-ESRD (n = 96,063) patients had 10–19% lower rates of at goal hemoglobin levels, 6–12% lower rates of at goal serum phosphorus, and 3–11% lower rates of at goal albumin levels indicating worse quality metrics related to anemia, phosphorus, albumin, and vascular access among Tx-ESRD patients than Nat-ESRD patients.
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