Hemodialysis procedure–associated autonomic imbalance and cardiac arrhythmias: Insights from continuous 14-day ECG monitoring
Journal of the American Heart Association Oct 08, 2019
Rogovoy NM, Howell SJ, Lee TL, et al. - Using the Predictors of Arrhythmic and Cardiovascular Risk in End Stage Renal Disease cohort, researchers performed a prospective ancillary study to determine whether there exists a link between the occurrence of paroxysmal arrhythmias and alterations in heart rate and heart rate variability in various phases of hemodialysis. By means of an ECG patch, they performed continuous ECG monitoring, and they measured short-term heart rate variability for 3 minutes every hour, up to 300 hours. Overall 28 participants, aged 54 ± 13 years, with left ventricular ejection fraction 70 ± 9% (57% men; 96% black) and 33% with a history of cardiovascular disease were enrolled. Among these, the presence of arrhythmias was reported in 13 (46%). Findings revealed a connection of sudden increase in heart rate during/posthemodialysis with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. The circadian rhythm was preserved by every-other-day hemodialysis, but parasympathetic withdrawal characterized a second day without dialysis.
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