Heart rate variability as a predictor of rapid renal function deterioration in chronic kidney disease patients
Nephrology Dec 01, 2018
Chou YH, et al. - In this prospective observational study of 326 non-dialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with median follow-up 2.02 years, researchers assessed the prognostic utility of heart rate variability (HRV) on renal function. HRV evaluation comprised reprocessing five-minutes of electrocardiography recordings obtained at enrollment. They assessed the prevalence of abnormal HRV, associated factors of HRV, and influence of HRV on the risk of CKD progression. A variance was noted with regard to the prevalence of autonomic dysfunction measured by HRV among each stage CKD patients. They noted reduced values of HRV parameters among the majority of patients in advanced CKD stage. They also observed lnLF/HF [the proportion of abnormal ln(low frequency power)(LF), ln(high frequency power)(HF)] estimation offered additional prognostic information on CKD progression beyond the classical risk factors.
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