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Health impacts of parental migration on left-behind children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

The Lancet Dec 10, 2018

Fellmeth G, et al. - In this study involving low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), researchers assessed how parental migration alters the health of left-behind children and adolescents. They analyzed data from observational studies reporting on the impacts of parental migration on nutrition, mental health, unintentional injuries, infectious disease, substance use, unprotected sex, early pregnancy, and abuse in left-behind children (aged 0–19 years) in LMICs. They found that the health of left-behind children and adolescents was adversely impacted, almost in a detrimental way, because of parental migration, with no evidence of any benefit. To improve the health of these young people, the authors urged policy makers and health-care professionals to take action.

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