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Healing of toothbrush-induced abrasions to keratinized mucosa of the palate in humans: A pilot study

Journal of Periodontal Research Aug 19, 2018

Nutte MD, et al. - Experts assessed the time needed to heal for toothbrush-induced abrasions of the keratinized mucosa of the palate. A direct association was seen between the exposure time of the keratinized mucosa of the palate to trauma, the visibility of the lesions, the size of the lesions and the time they needed to heal completely, eg, the longer the exposure time of the keratinized mucosa of the palate to trauma, the more lesions were visible, the larger the abrasions were and the more time they needed to heal completely. At baseline, fewer lesions were visible when the time exposed to trauma was decreased, and they noted a decrease in the time needed to heal. In order to evaluate any effect, the subgroup of smokers was too small.
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