HDL-cholesterol and causes of death in chronic kidney disease
Journal of Clinical Lipidology Apr 07, 2018
Navaneethan SD, et al. - The links between HDL cholesterol (HDL-c) and cause-specific deaths in CKD were studied given recent data suggesting a U-shaped association between HDL-c and death in CKD. Cox regression models were used and separate analyses were conducted for men and women. A total of 38,377 patients with eGFR 15-59 ml/min/1.73 m2 were assessed. HDL-c ≤40 mg/dl was shown to be related to risk of higher all-cause, cardiovascular, malignancy and non-cardiovascular/non-malignancy mortality in men and women in this non-dialysis dependent CKD population. In women but not men, HDL >60 mg/dl was found to be related to lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, malignancy and non-cardiovascular non-malignancy mortality.
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