Hand injuries in an older population - a retrospective cohort study from a single hand surgery centre
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 02, 2019
Kringstad O, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study from a single hand surgery centre, researchers analyzed hand injuries among the elderly, focusing on health features and detailed injury patterns, with incidence, as a framework for further investigations on the subject. They analyzed data for 286 patients (aged > 65 years) who received treatment for traumatic hand injury at the Department of Hand Surgery in Malmö from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Elderly had a lower incidence of hand injuries as compared to the younger population. In men, the use of hazardous equipment led to the sustainment of more wounds, while post-fall fractures were reported in women. They found that a minority of the elderly was healthy. It is important to prevent fall injuries and injuries might be attenuated in both genders by emphasizing safety awareness.
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