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Gynecologic cancer in HIV-positive women: A systematic review and meta-analysis

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 19, 2019

Smith AJB, et al. - Researchers performed this systematic review and meta-analysis to delineate the incidence, presentation, treatment, and outcomes for HIV-positive women with non–acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–defining gynecologic cancers. They screened 5744 abstracts; of these, they included 70 articles on 58 studies on 292,202 women with HIV and 528 women with HIV and gynecologic cancer. Compared to the general population, HIV infected women had a higher incidence of ovarian and vulvovaginal cancer but a comparable incidence of endometrial cancer. However, data on treatment and outcomes for non–acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–defining gynecologic cancers is lacking. They recommend performing specific research on this population to improve treatment and outcomes for HIV-positive women in view of the increased incidence of gynecologic cancer.
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