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Growth trajectory and adult height in children with nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Hormone Research in Paediatrics Aug 21, 2020

Wasniewska MG, Morabito LA, Baronio F, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective, multicentric study to analyze prognostic factors affecting growth trajectory (GT) and adult height (AH) in children with nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH). Participants in the study were 192 children with a confirmed molecular diagnosis of NCCAH, followed by pediatric endocrinology centers from diagnosis up to AH. Clinical records have been obtained and analyzed. According to the stepwise linear regression analysis, AH and AH-TH were significantly associated with chronological age (CA), bone age (BA)/CA ratio, height (H) at NCCAH diagnosis, and TH. As observed physiologically, PG was higher in males than in females and was linked positively to height, negatively to BMI and BA/CA at NCCAH diagnosis. Gender, genotype, biochemical data, and treatment with hydrocortisone did not significantly affect the height outcomes of these NCCAH children. Findings indicate that at the time of diagnosis, AH and GT of NCCAH patients are mainly affected by the severity of phenotype (CA, BA/CA ratio, and H).

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