Group and individual-level change on health-related quality of life in chiropractic patients with chronic low back or neck pain
Spine Apr 25, 2019
Hays RD, et al. - Via this prospective observational study of 2024 patients with chronic low back pain or neck pain who received care from 125 chiropractic clinics at six locations throughout the United States, researchers evaluated group-level and individual-level change in health-related quality of life among these patients. The baseline and 3-month follow-up survey was completed by 91% of the sample (n = 1835). In the health-related quality of life, significant group-level improvement, especially in pain, was noted over time in correlation with chiropractic care. However, only a minority of individuals got significantly better (“responders”) in the sample. Outcomes suggest that chiropractic may have some benefits on the functioning and well-being of patients with low back pain or neck pain.
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