Greater trochanteric fractures with lntertrochanteric extension identified on mri: what is the rate of displacement when treated nonoperatively?
Injury Aug 11, 2020
Kent WT, Whitchurch T, Siow M, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the rate at which greater trochanteric (GT) fractures with intertrochanteric (IT) extension displaced, requiring operative fixation. Researchers conducted a retrospective chart review at a Level 1 Trauma Center. Between 2010 and 2017, individuals included all nonoperatively treated GT fractures (OTA/AO 31A1.1) with IT extension identified on MRI at the institution. This study enrolled a total of 17 patients. The results of this study indicated that fractures with less than 50% extension into the IT region have a low likelihood of future displacement and high union rates when treated nonoperatively.
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