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Good outcome after repair of trauma-related antero-superior rotator cuff tears - Aprospective cohort study

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Oct 19, 2020

Hallgren HCB, et al. - The present study was conducted to prospectively evaluate clinical and structural treatment outcomes in a cohort of trauma-related anterosuperior injuries in previously shoulder healthy patients. Researchers recruited a total of 23 patients, 78% men, and the mean age 59 (40-76). They screened individuals seeking care due to a suspected rotator cuff injury after a shoulder trauma according to a protocol including clinical examination, baseline scoring with WORC and pain NRS, ultrasound, and MRI. The results of this study reveal that anterosuperior rotator cuff injury with associated pulley lesion and displaced long head of biceps may be treated successfully with surgery as the majority of patients in our cohort clinically recovered or were much improved without pain after a year. The outcomes considered that with a 1-year perspective non-operatively treated patients may present with a reasonable clinical outcome. According to the data, independently of treatment or tendon healing a residual subscapularis muscle affection was seen which may have long-term implications.

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