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GnRH agonist vs hCG to induce final oocyte maturation in patients at low risk of OHSS

Fertility and Sterility Mar 30, 2018

Green KA, et al. - The authors compared embryologic and clinical outcomes between gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) and hCG triggers in a patient population at low risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Analysis of a large number of GnRH antagonist in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles suggested no impairment in outcomes among patients at low risk of OHSS after GnRHa trigger compared to hCG trigger. As per data, GnRHa trigger could improve some embryologic outcomes and live birth, though the absolute differences were small. It is possible that via an endogenous LH and FSH surge, a GnRHa trigger might benefit oocyte quality. However, no differences in % mature oocytes were evident. The data do not suggest a harm in using GnRHa trigger to patients at low risk of OHSS.
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