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Glycemic profiles of diverse patients with type 2 diabetes using basal insulin: MOBILE study baseline data

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Nov 02, 2020

Peters A, Cohen N, Calhoun P, et al. - This study was intended to present glycemic profiles of diverse patients with type 2 diabetes using basal insulin. Researchers examined 173 participants' continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data (mean±SD age 57±9 years; 50% female; glycated hemoglobin 9.1% [range, 7.1‐11.6%]; 40% using sulfonylureas; 19% using NPH; reported self‐monitored blood glucose [SMBG] frequency median 1.0 checks/day) who were using basal, but not prandial insulin. Blinded CGM data were recorded for 10 days prior to randomization during the MOBILE study's baseline phase. The outcomes of this study indicate that blinded CGM indicates the limitations of infrequent SMBG in type 2 diabetes basal insulin users and allows the characterization of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in basal insulin users with suboptimal control. The MOBILE study randomized phase will characterize the advantages of applying real‐time CGM compared to SMBG in this population.

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