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Glycemic control in youth‐onset type 2 diabetes correlates with weight loss

Pediatric Diabetes Aug 05, 2020

Chang N, Yeh MY, Raymond JK, et al. - Using registry data from a dedicated pediatric type 2 diabetes clinic, researchers conducted a retrospective review to identify risk factors for glycemic failure in youth with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Latent profile analysis was conducted to model longitudinal trajectory of HbA1c over five years. The registry involves 229 youth with T2D, of whom 80% self‐identify as Latinx. According to findings, youth with T2D show distinct HbA1c profiles Patients with diagnostic HbA1c >8.5% are at high risk for glycemic failure, regardless of short‐term improvement in HbA1c. Weight management in youth with T2D has the ability to improve short‐term HbA1c outcomes. Further studies are required to determine the role of medication adherence on glycemic control.

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