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Glycemic control and 10-year odds of all-cause fractures in elderly Veterans with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Mar 26, 2019

Baltrusaitis SL, et al. - In elderly veterans (age ≥ 65 years), researchers examined the association of average level of glycemic control with fractures. Of the 36,744 Veterans included, 3,434 fractures were reported. In those with type 2 diabetes, the average fracture incidence of HbA1c was 7.1% to 8.0% [54-64mmol/mol], and 8.1% to 9% [65-75mmol/mol] and those without diabetes are the lowest. However, the absolute difference in the incidence of fracture was very small at 2-5 per 1,000 patient years due to the overall low rate of fracture. These findings did not support altering diabetes treatment goals to reduce the risk of fracture beyond limiting the risk factors identified.

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