Glycaemic status affects the subgingival microbiome of diabetic patients
Journal of Clinical Periodontology Sep 06, 2018
Longo PL, et al. - Researchers assessed whether glycemic status has any impact of the periodontal microbiome of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. Seemingly, glycemic status in T2DM patients modulates subgingival biofilm composition. Higher diversity was presented by the DMA (adequate systemic glycemic status; HbA1c <7.8%) microbiome than DMI (inadequate systemic glycemic status; HbA1c ≥ 8%). Fermenting species, particularly those associated with propionate/succinate production was favored by inadequate glycemic control vs those forming butyrate/pyruvate was decreased in DMI. Findings suggested the probability of the higher abundances of anginosus group and Streptococcus agalactiae in DMI to indicate that subgingival sites can be a reservoir of potentially invasive pathogens.
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