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GlucoStabilizer software-guided insulin dosing improves intrapartum glycemic management in women with diabetes

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology May 27, 2018

Dinglas C, et al. - Researchers investigated if improvement in the rate of glucose concentration in target range (70–100 mg/dL; 3.9–5.5 mmol/L) at the time of delivery could be achieved via using intravenous insulin dosing software in women with pregestational or gestational diabetes mellitus that requires intrapartum insulin infusion. Comparison of 22 patients dosed by a standard insulin dosing chart and 11 patients dosed by the GlucoStabilizer software program during intrapartum management demonstrated the GlucoStabilizer software program as superior in achieving glucose values in target range at delivery. In this work, for the first time, the use of software-guided intravenous insulin dosing in obstetrics was demonstrated to be efficacious in improving intrapartum glycemic management without increasing hypoglycemia in women with both pregestational and gestational diabetes mellitus that is treated with an insulin infusion.
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