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Glucose regulation and physical performance among older people: The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study

Acta Diabetologica Jul 30, 2018

Åström MJ, et al. - Whether disturbances in glucose regulation were correlated with impairment in physical performance during a 10-year follow-up were evaluated in this analysis. Researchers reported that impaired glucose regulation was strongly associated with poor physical performance among older people. They found that more severe disturbances in glucose regulation were linked with a greater reduction in physical function, showing the significance of diagnosing these disturbances at an early stage.


  • For this investigation, 475 men and 603 women from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study were analyzed.
  • Researchers assessed glucose regulation with a 2-hour 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in 2001–2004.
  • They categorized study participants as having either impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), newly diagnosed diabetes or previously known diabetes.
  • Using the validated senior fitness test (SFT), physical performance was evaluated approximately 10 years later.
  • Using multiple linear regression models, the connection between glucose regulation and the overall SFT score was estimated.


  • When physical performance was evaluated, the mean age was 70.8 years for men and 71.0 years for women.
  • It was observed that the mean SFT score for the whole population was 45.0 (SD 17.5) points.
  • It was noticed that the SFT score reduced gradually with increased impairment in glucose regulation.
  • The lowest overall SFT score in the fully adjusted model (mean difference compared to normoglycaemic individuals - 11.56 points, 95% CI - 16.15 to - 6.98, p < 0.001) was found in people with previously known diabetes.
  • Compared to those with normoglycaemia, both individuals with newly diagnosed diabetes and individuals with IGT had significantly poorer physical performance.
  • They did not find any significant difference in physical performance between those with IFG and those with normoglycaemia.
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