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Glucose profiles in healthy term infants in the first 5 days: The Glucose in Well Babies (GLOW) Study

The Journal of Pediatrics May 08, 2020

Harris DL, Weston PJ, Gamble GD, et al. - Researchers conducted this prospective masked observational study to evaluate postnatal changes in plasma and interstitial glucose concentrations of healthy infants receiving current recommended care and to compare the frequency of low concentrations with recommended thresholds for treating at-risk infants. This investigation was carried out in Hamilton, New Zealand. Healthy, term, appropriately grown singletons had continuous glucose monitoring and regular heel-prick plasma glucose measurements (4 in the first 24 hours then twice daily utilizing the glucose oxidase method) from birth to 120 hours. Data reported that the mean birth weight of the 67 infants was 3,584 ± 349 g, and gestational age was 40.1 ± 1.2 weeks. The mean glucose concentrations rose over the first 18 hours, remained constant at 48 hours before increasing to a new plateau by the fourth day. During the first 48 hours, plasma glucose concentrations of 47 mg/dL were roughly 10th percentile, and 39% of infants had ≥ 1 episode below this threshold. Healthy infants appear to have completed their metabolic transition by day 4. For treatment of hypoglycemia, many have glucose concentrations below the accepted thresholds.

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