Glucose, insulin, and lipids in cord blood of neonates and their association with birthweight: Differential metabolic risk of large for gestational age and small for gestational age babies
The Journal of Pediatrics Mar 01, 2020
Wang J, Shen S, Price MJ, et al. - Via obtaining data from 1,522 newborns in the Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study, researchers explored the relationship of birthweight percentile with cord blood glucose, lipids, and insulin levels. According to results, birthweight Z-score was linearly linked to increased cord blood insulin Z-score. The results support the assumption that babies born small for gestational age and large for gestational age are exposed to different intrauterine environments, which may lead to altered patterns of fat accumulation with implications for the risk of later lifetime metabolic dysfunction. For these babies, consideration must be given to developing tailored intervention strategies to prevent metabolic dysfunction in adult life.
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