Gingival crevicular fluid levels of human beta-defensin 1 in individuals with and without chronic periodontitis
Journal of Periodontal Research Aug 19, 2018
Costa LCM, et al. - In the gingival crevicular fluid of individuals with and without chronic periodontitis, authors evaluated the levels of Human beta-defensins- 1 (hBD- 1). Higher gingival crevicular fluid levels of hBD-1 were seen in periodontally healthy individuals when compared to individuals with chronic periodontitis. In the susceptibility to chronic periodontitis, a potential protective role of hBD-1 is suggested by it. Experts did not diagnose any influence of site diagnosis (level 1; health/gingivitis/periodontitis); nonetheless, the levels of hBD-1 were influenced by the individual diagnosis (level 2; health/periodontitis).
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