GFR-specific vs GFR-agnostic cutoffs for parathyroid hormone and fibroblast growth factor-23 in advanced chronic kidney disease
American Journal of Nephrology Jul 01, 2019
Canney M, et al. - Researchers investigated if chronic kidney disease (CKD) degree could be better detected in patients with inappropriately high parathyroid hormone (PTH1–84) and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) by using glomerular filtration rate (GFR)-specific cutoffs for PTH1–84 and FGF-23 vs a uniform threshold, subsequently resulting in an improved prognostication of clinical outcomes. With a median of 52 months of follow-up, a prospective pan-Canadian cohort including 1,812 patients with mean estimated GFR 28.9 mL/min/1.73 m2 was analyzed. Based on the findings, they concluded that more meaningful risk stratification in advanced CKD may be facilitated by GFR-specific risk-based cutoffs for PTH1–84 and FGF-23 as compared to current GFR-agnostic reference ranges derived from healthy adults. The applicability of this could be the most in those with severely attenuated GFR.
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