Gestational age and the cord blood lipidomic profile in late preterm and term infants
Neonatology Jun 28, 2018
McCloskey K, et al. - The Barwon Infant Study is a population-derived pre-birth cohort study which intended to describe variations in lipidomic profile in late preterm and term infants as well as compared variations to an adult lipidomic profile with known clinical implications. By liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, the lipidomic profile of cord blood was measured in 225 members. Researchers examined the relationship between gestational age and lipidomic profile using multiple linear regression adjusting for birth weight, exposure to labour, and infant sex. A strong relationship was found between gestational age and the cord blood lipid profile at birth, providing further evidence for the importance of metabolic changes of late gestation. The data presented in this work showed a number of the variations in the lipid profile with increasing gestational age were similar to differences noted in the adult lipid profile with an increasing body mass index (BMI).
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