Geographical variation in the association of child, maternal and household health interventions with under-five mortality in Burkina Faso
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Jul 05, 2019
Millogo O, et al. - Using data from the Burkina Faso Demographic and Health Survey 2010, researchers estimated under-five mortality rates (U5MR) in Burkina Faso, at national and subnational levels, in relation to child, maternal, and household health interventions, and identified the areas with least effective interventions. Ranging from 81 (region of Centre-Est) to 223 (region of Sahel), the estimated average U5MR was as high as 128 per 1000. The link of DPT3 immunization and of baby post-natal check within 24 hours after birth, with U5MR, was most important at national level. The skilled birth attendance, and improved drinking water were recognized as the most effective interventions at sub-national level, followed by baby post-natal check within 24 hours after birth, vitamin A supplementation, antenatal care visit and all-antigens immunization. The areas with the highest number of effective interventions were Centre-Est, Sahel, and Sud-Ouest. Findings revealed no intervention with a statistically significant link with child survival in the region of Hauts Bassins.
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