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Geographic, gender and seasonal variation of diabetes: A nationwide study among 1.4 million participants

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Jul 31, 2021

Zhang Y, Tong M, Wang B, et al. - Researchers used data from 1,390,088 candidates who attended preventive health examinations at 430 health screening centers in 220 cities to evaluate the prevalence of diabetes among Chinese adults who attended preventive physical examinations, as well as to examine geographical and gender differences in seasonal variation of fasting blood glucose (FBG). Diabetes had an 8.70% standardized prevalence, 10.7% in men and 6.61% in women. The mean FBG level was higher in winter than summer and in the northern than the southern. The prevalence of diabetes was high, but adult diabetes awareness, treatment, and glycemic control were low. Diabetes prevention and management in China require effective measures. Diabetes prevention and control should take into account geographical and seasonal variations.

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