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Genomic characterization of cervical cancer based on human papillomavirus status

Gynecologic Oncology Mar 19, 2019

Zhang L, et al. - A total of 299 cervical cancer cases were studied to assess human papillomavirus (HPV)+ and HPV− cervical cancers. They noted different gene expression profiles of HPV+ and HPV− tumors, especially in ANKRD7, SERPINB3, EMX2, MEI1, RNF212, RP11-13 K12.5, RP11-325F22.2 and ZFR2, which have significant relevance for cervical cancer prognosis. They observed significant differential mutation of TP53, ARID5B, ARID1A, CTNNB1, and PTEN between HPV+ and HPV− tumors. They suggested such potential biomarkers advantageous in personalizing therapeutic decision-making to improve survival in HPV− cervical cancer cases.

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