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Genome-wide association study of erosive tooth wear in a finnish cohort

Caries Research Jun 18, 2018

Alaraudanjoki VK, et al. - Authors evaluated the erosive tooth wear by performing a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a sample of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (n = 1,962). Findings suggested the presence of many of the signals near the genes putatively associated with the oral environment or tooth development and some were near the regions considered to be related to dental caries, such as 2p24, 4q21, and 13q33. Experts noted the strongest genome-wide significant signals in or near the genes FGFR1, C8orf86, CDH4, SCD5, F2R, and ING1 while stratifying the sample by sex. Also, in all GWASs performed, multiple suggestive association signals were detected.
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