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Genetic susceptibility, family history of diabetes, and healthy lifestyle factors in relation to diabetes: A gene-environment interaction analysis in Chinese adults

Journal of Diabetes Investigation May 28, 2021

Ye C, Niu J, Zhao Z, et al. - The present study was conducted to explore the relationships and interactions of the genetic susceptibility and family history of diabetes with lifestyle factors in relation to diabetes among Chinese adults. Researchers created a genetic risk score of 34 single nucleotide polymorphisms in 11,596 participants from Songnan and Youyi communities, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China. The relationships and interactions between heritability and lifestyle on diabetes were examined by using logistic regression models. It was shown that a healthier lifestyle was correlated with a significantly lower prevalence of diabetes regardless of heritable risk groups, indicating the importance of adhering to a healthy lifestyle for diabetes prevention among the entire population.

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