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Genetic profiling of orbital fibroblasts from patients with Graves’ orbitopathy

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Jan 28, 2021

Dottore GR, Bucci I, Lanzolla G, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to analyze the genetic profiling of orbital fibroblasts from patients with Graves’ orbitopathy (GO). They analyzed orbital fibroblasts from six GO and six control patients. Findings revealed that cell proliferation was greater in GO than in control fibroblasts. Likewise, HA in the cell medium was higher in GO fibroblasts. Similarly, in GO fibroblasts, HA in the cell medium was greater. HAS-1 and HAS-2 did not vary between GO and control fibroblasts, while HAS-3 was more expressed in GO fibroblasts. Results suggest that DNA methylation elicits differential gene expression following an autoimmune insult and sustains the maintenance of GO.

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