Genetic associations with age of menopause in familial longevity
Menopause Oct 05, 2019
Bae H, Lunetta KL, Murabito JM, et al. - Via this analysis, researchers sought to identify genetic variants associated with delayed age of menopause (AOM) among women in a study of familial longevity. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for AOM in 1,286 women in the Long Life Family Study (LLFS) and 3,151 women in the Health and Retirement Study was performed and then replication in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) was sought. Genome-wide significance was attained by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) previously associated with AOM (rs16991615; HR = 0.74, P = 6.99 × 10−12). They identified a total of 35 variants that reached > 10−4 level of significance and that replicated in the FHS and in a 2015 large meta-analysis (ReproGen Consortium). Several novel SNPs associated with AOM were idetified, including rs3094005: MICB, rs13196892: TXNDC5 | MUTED, rs72774935: SSBP2 | ATG10, rs9447453: COL12A1, rs114298934: FHL2 | NCK2, rs6467223: TNPO3, rs9666274 and rs10766593: NAV2, and rs7281846: HSPA13. This work thereby indicates novel correlations and replicates known correlations between genetic variants and AOM. Findings are suggestive of a reasonable role of a number of these correlations in aging.
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