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Gender differences in recovery-related outcomes and needs for psychiatric rehabilitation in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorder

The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry May 28, 2021

Dubreucq M, Plasse J, Gabayet F, et al. - This study was attempted to evaluate gender differences in objective and subjective aspects of recovery and psychiatric rehabilitation needs in a multicenter non-selected psychiatric rehabilitation schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) sample. Between January 2016 and November 2019, researchers included a total of 1,055 outpatients with SSD (DSM-5) from the French National Centers of Reference for Psychiatric Rehabilitation cohort. It was shown that women had poorer subjective recovery-related outcomes and more unmet needs than men. It would thus be useful to develop recovery-oriented interventions addressing women’s specific needs and implement these in psychiatric rehabilitation services.

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