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Galectin-3 as a novel biomarker in women with PCOS

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Aug 08, 2018

Ilhan GA, et al. - Researchers evaluated galectin-3 levels as a novel metabolic biomarker in women with PCOS. According to presence of metabolic syndrome, they divided 90 consecutive women with PCOS who fulfilled the inclusion criteria into 2 groups: MetS+ and MetS-. The groups were compared with respect to clinical, hormonal, and metabolic parameters and galectin-3 levels. Findings suggest that in these women, galectin-3 could be a promising novel biomarker. The MetS+ vs MetS- group displayed significantly higher galectin-3 levels that were noted to be positively correlated with systolic, diastolic blood pressures and triglyceride levels in women with PCOS.

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