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Future fertility of patients with zero oocytes yield in their first IVF cycle attempt

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Feb 21, 2021

Orvieto R, Farhi J, Nahum R, et al. - Patients undergoing their first IVF cycle attempt with no oocyte retrieved were studied for the odds of future fertility, and factors were investigated that might predict those who will conceive in subsequent IVF cycle attempts. Researchers conducted a cohort retrospective study of all consecutive women visiting the IVF unit for their first IVF cycle attempt, who reached the ovum pick-up stage with zero oocyte retrieved. Of 59 women meeting the study inclusion criteria, 12 (20.3%) conceived (one conceived twice), and 8 (14%) gave birth to a live infant during the follow-up period. Overall findings suggest achievement of 14% cumulative live-birth rate after 5 IVF cycle attempts among women yielding zero oocytes at their first IVF cycle attempt. In addition, conception was observed in subsequent IVF cycle attempts in those who achieved 2 or more fertilized oocytes/top-quality embryos.

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