Fungal peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis: A 34-year single centre evaluation
Clinical Kidney Journal Jul 25, 2018
Auricchio S, et al. - In this retrospective observational analysis, researchers assessed the clinical course of fungal peritonitis (FP) cases that arose between 1983 and 2016 in a single peritoneal dialysis (PD) unit. They used the Baxter POET (Peritonitis Organism Exit sites Tunnel infections) registry and clinical records. Considering the evolution of clinical practice during the study period as a result of technical innovation, scientific evidence and guideline history, they analyzed FP incidence rate, PD and patients’ survival and clinical characteristics of the study population. Findings corroborated the role of FP as a significant cause of PD drop out and increased mortality risk observed in PD patients. In order to achieve improved patient and PD survival, essential strategies included prompt diagnosis of FP, targeted antifugal therapy and rapid PD catheter removal.
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