Functional outcomes after hip fracture in independent community-dwelling patients
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Apr 14, 2019
Ouellet JA, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers assessed predictors of new activities of daily living (ADLs) disability, worsened mobility disability, and secondarily increased daily care hours received, in previously independent patients with hip fracture. The study sample consisted of 184 community-dwelling older adults independent in ADLs undergoing hip fracture surgery in 2015. Via telephone survey and chart review, the investigators determined baseline, 3-, and 6-month ADLs, mobility, and daily care hours received. They used patient charts to derive information regarding comorbidities, medications, and characteristics of hospitalization. They found that poor outcomes were predicted by age, dementia, in-hospital delirium, number of medications, and preadmission opiate use.
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