Functional outcome and healing with a load-sharing rip-stop repair compared with a single-row repair for large and massive rotator cuff tears
Arthroscopy Jul 29, 2019
Noyes MP, et al. - Researchers compared the healing rates and functional outcomes of large and massive rotator cuff tears repaired with either a load-sharing rip-stop (LSRS, a technique to enhance fixation in the setting of the poor-quality tendon) technique or single-row (SR, used for large and massive rotator cuff tears) repair. Seventeen subjects in the LSRS repair group and 18 in the SR repair group were present. Among the 2 groups, no variation in the postoperative range of motion was determined. Similarly, in the visual analog scale score, no variation for pain or functional outcomes according to the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, Simple Shoulder Test, or Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation score was detected among the 2 groups. In 53% of LSRS repairs vs 11% of SR repairs, complete rotator cuff healing was recognized in the former group. Hence, no variation in functional outcomes following an LSRS technique in comparison to an SR repair technique for large and massive rotator cuff tears with limited tendon mobility, at short-term follow-up, could be found. Nonetheless, structural healing seemed to be greater with an LSRS technique.
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