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Functional and MRI outcomes of superior capsule reconstruction with acellular dermal matrix

Arthroscopy Jan 29, 2021

Singh A, Mirzayan R, Acevedo D, et al. - This study was performed to ascertain whether functional outcome after superior capsular reconstruction (SCR) is dependent on dermal allograft integrity on post-operative MRI. Researchers included a total of 53 patients [mean age was 60.1+7.9 years (range 34 to 77), 68% were male; 34% had at least one prior procedure; 58% had a concomitant procedure; 57% were Hamada 1, 38% Hamada 2, and 5% Hamada 3]. There is a significant improvement in American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES), Oxford, and visual analogue scale (VAS) in patients who undergo SCR for massive rotator cuff tears. The study found this improvement in patients who have an intact graft, as well as those where the graft is torn from the glenoid, but not those torn from the tuberosity. According to the findings, this supports the concept of the graft functioning as a ”biologic tuberoplasy” preventing bone-to-bone contact between the tuberosity and acromion. Preoperative acromiohumeral distance, Goutallier, Hamada, gender, or age were not correlated with postoperative ASES scores.

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