Full-arch implant supported rehabilitations: A prospective study comparing porcelain-veneered zirconia frameworks to monolithic zirconia
Clinical Oral Implants Research Dec 13, 2018
Caramês J, et al. - Researchers assessed the performance of two types of zirconia frameworks (porcelain-veneered zirconia frameworks to monolithic zirconia). They conducted a prospective clinical trial from 2014 to 2016 in which 150 patients were rehabilitated with 83 and 110 implant-supported, screw-retained, full-arch ceramic-veneered zirconia (PVZ) rehabilitations and monolithic zirconia with porcelain veneering limited to buccal (MZ) rehabilitations, respectively. Zirconia was suggested as a suitable material for frameworks in full-arch implant-supported rehabilitations. A low incidence of technical complications was presented by both groups. The MZ group presented a lower technical complication rate when comparing the two different designs, thereby presenting itself as a viable alternative for full arch implant-supported rehabilitations.
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