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Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of posttransplantation diabetes in renal transplant recipients

Diabetes Care Jul 19, 2019

Gomes-Neto AW, et al. - In stable renal transplant recipients (RTRs), researchers studied the potential connections of fruit and vegetable intake with risk of posttransplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM) using a 177-item food frequency questionnaire. The study sample consisted of 472 adult RTRs who had a functioning graft ≥1 year. Fifty-two RTRs developed PTDM during 5.2 years of follow-up. Investigators found that vegetable intake, but not fruit intake, was linked to lower risk of PTDM in RTRs, probably largely due to beneficial impacts on key metabolic syndrome components. These results further support the collection of proof supporting greater consumption of vegetables by RTRs.

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