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Fruit and vegetable intake and mortality in adults undergoing maintenance hemodialysis

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Feb 06, 2019

Saglimbene VM, et al. - In a multinational cohort study (Dietary Intake, Death and Hospitalization in Adults with ESKD Treated with Hemodialysis study) including 9,757 adults on hemodialysis, with 8,078 (83%) having analyzable dietary data, researchers assessed the link between fruit and vegetable intake and mortality in hemodialysis. They determined the link between tertiles of fruit and vegetable intake with all-cause, cardiovascular, and noncardiovascular mortality, by performing adjusted Cox regression analyses clustered by country. A median follow-up of 2.7 years (18,586 person-years) was performed, during which, 2082 deaths (954 cardiovascular) were reported. The median (interquartile range) number of servings of fruit and vegetables was 8 (4–14) per week. As recommended in the general population, at least four servings per day were consumed by only 4% of the study population. Overall, low intake of fruit and vegetable was seen in the hemodialysis population. In these subjects, lower all-cause and noncardiovascular death were observed in relation to the higher consumption of fruits and vegetables.
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