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Fresh frozen plasma-to-red blood cell ratio is an independent predictor of blood loss in patients with neuromuscular scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion

The Spine Journal Oct 29, 2019

Sadacharam K, et al. - Individuals with neuromuscular scoliosis who underwent posterior spinal fusion (PSF) with unit rod fixation were recognized from anesthesia cases database in order to investigate the correlation of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) ratio with blood loss in this elective surgical population. Risk estimation exhibited that individuals in the low FFP group were more prone to lose > 120% blood volume. In linear regression, it was shown that each unit of the rise in the FFP-to-RBC ratio was related to a 27.5% mean decrease in blood volume loss. In conclusion, in this retrospective study of this group of complex spine individuals undergoing PSF, the FFP-to-RBC ratio was found to be an important independent predictor of blood loss. Therefore, the use of a greater ratio of FFP to RBC may reduce blood loss in individuals with neuromuscular scoliosis who were undergoing posterior spine fusion.
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