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Frailty prevalence in younger end-stage kidney disease patients undergoing dialysis and transplantation

American Journal of Nephrology Jul 29, 2020

Chu NM, Chen X, Norman SP, et al. - Since frailty prevalence as well as manifestation remain unclear among younger adults (18–64 years) with end-stage kidney disease; disparities may exist depending on whether the patients received hemodialysis (HD) or kidney transplantation (KT), so, this study was undertaken using 3 cohorts: 378 adults starting HD (2008–2012), 4,304 adult KT candidates (2009–2019), and 1,396 KT recipients (2008–2019). Older vs younger adults in all 3 cohorts were found to have a higher prevalence of frailty. Among candidates, older age, non-Hispanic black race, and dialysis type were shown to be related to frailty prevalence, but gender and Hispanic ethnicity were not. Findings showed frailty prevalence rose with age but a high burden was reported in younger patients. Clinicians caring for this vulnerable group were recommended to recognize that younger patients may have frailty and screening should be performed in all age groups.

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