Frailty predicts mortality and complications in chronologically young patients with traumatic orthopaedic injuries
Injury Aug 25, 2018
Rege RM, et al. - Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database, researchers assessed the role of a modified frailty index (mFI) in predicting mortality and complications after pelvis, acetabulum, and lower extremity trauma in patients of all ages divided as geriatric (age≥60) and young (age<60) cohorts. The mFI score was calculated for each patient. They used logistic regression and a chi-square test in a bivariate analysis in order to examine the link between mFI and both primary and secondary outcomes while adjusting for age. They found that morbidity and mortality in chronologically young orthopaedic trauma patients were significantly predicted by the mFI score. For perioperative counseling and to improve outcomes, an interdisciplinary team can use an individualized risk assessment that can be offered by the mFI score.
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