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Frailty and risk of fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Care Feb 01, 2019

Li G, et al. - Researchers obtained data from a prospective cohort study to investigate whether frailty is linked to the risk of fractures and whether frailty affects the propensity of type 2 diabetes for increased fracture risk. There were 3,149 participants included in this analysis, of whom 138 had diabetes. In participants with diabetes, the investigators observed higher bone mineral density and Frailty Index vs control participants. According to findings, participants with type 2 diabetes were significantly more fragile than those without diabetes. Frailty increased the risk of fragility fracture and enhanced the impact of diabetes on fragility fractures. The authors suggested that diabetes should be given special attention as a risk factor for fragility fractures in those who are fragile. There was no evidence of interaction between frailty and diabetes with the risk of fractures of the hip and clinical spine.

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