Fracture resistance of titanium, zirconia, and ceramic-reinforced polyetheretherketone implant abutments supporting CAD/CAM monolithic lithium disilicate ceramic crowns after aging
The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Feb 12, 2019
Atsuu SS, et al. - Authors assessed the data to compare the fracture resistance and the fracture types of different implant abutments maintaining CAD/CAM monolithic lithium disilicate ceramic crowns after in vitro dynamic loading and thermocycling aging. They used following 3 implant abutment (SKY Implant): titanium (group Ti, control); zirconia with titanium base (group Zr); and ceramic-reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK) (BioHPP) with titanium base (group RPEEK). They found all individuals survived after aging. Significantly higher fracture strengths were observed in group Ti as compared to groups Zr and RPEEK. They preferred ceramic-reinforced PEEK abutments as an alternative to zirconia abutments with a titanium base for single-implant restorations in the anterior region.
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