Fracture resistance of titanium-based lithium disilicate and zirconia implant restorations
Journal of Prosthodontics May 20, 2018
Roberts EE, et al. - Authors assessed the fracture resistance of a newer lithium disilicate abutment material. They designed a premolar-shaped implant crown using CAD/CAM software, and milled 4 groups of implant and crown combinations were: (1) lithium-disilicate hybrid-abutment crown; (2) “screwmentable” lithium-disilicate hybrid abutment/lithium-disilicate crown with screw channel; (3) lithium-disilicate hybrid abutment/lithium-disilicate crown; and (4) zirconia hybrid abutment/lithium-disilicate crown (control). Experts suggested a probability of the new lithium-disilicate hybrid-abutment material to serve as a viable alternative to the use of zirconia as a hybrid-abutment material.
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